Be Loved, Beloved

Children Can You Hear Me?
by Brad Jersak
This is one of my all-time favourite kid's books about communicating with our Heavenly Father. The book’s illustrations alone go a long way to describe God’s pursuing love for us and His want for a deep two-way relationship. It is filled with pages of questions to prompt listening prayer and genuine ways to encourage engagement with the Holy Spirit. The book is formatted so that you can use it as a read-through book, or a devotional book where you take each page as a separate devotion or activity. It’s an absolutely beautiful book that all families should own!
Translating God
by Shawn Bolz
As you may already know, I am passionate about helping people find ways to intimately and uniquely connect with God. To have an actual two-way relationship that not only makes you burst with the love God has for you but actually causes you to share that love naturally with others. This book helps you explore this thought and gives you practical knowledge on how to make it a reality in your life. I like to think of it as the Heart Ears for parents 🙂 I think it’s an absolute must-read if you are wanting to take your faith to the next level.
God Gave Us Prayer
by Lisa Tawn Bergren
Written from the perspective of a cute bear family, little readers are taken on a journey of questions and answers on what prayer is and gives kids great ideas on topics to pray for that are relevant to them. I really enjoy this book because it’s written in a language that is easy to understand for my three year old. It even covers hard topics like sin and praying for our sick friends. This book is a bit of a long read for a bedtime story, but definitely worth reading every word!
Sacred Pathways
by Gary Thomas
If you’ve ever wondered why some people find incredible connection with God while they’re out in nature while others seem to find their connection through theology books? This book helps clarify and pinpoint what ways you have been designed to find connection with your Maker. He lists 9 different pathways in which the human race most commonly finds connections. Written in an easy to read format with historical and biblical foundations to support, this book will certainly have you thinking about which path you most likely follow as well as notice what paths others may be on.
Explicit- Brave & Beautiful Series
A dear friend of mine runs an incredible ministry helping build up teens in their identity in Christ while helping them learn about the dangers of exploitation. Each magazine-style book is filled with beautiful truth and encouragement to hear God and believe in His love for you. The girl version is Brave & Beautiful (pictured below) and the boy version is Brave & Bold.